Thursday, October 22, 2015

Our Amazing Week in Ireland, Part One

We toured with a band in Ireland last week.  We first saw The John Byrne Band at a house concert hosted by friends.  The band is fabulous, and we decided that same night that we wanted to go with them on their Ireland tour.  John Byrne grew up in Dublin and now lives in Philadelphia.

We rode along with them as they toured through western Ireland, playing sessions in pubs along the way.  It was so much fun, just a great experience.

The weather in Ireland was perfect, warm and sunny.  We visited Dingle, Killarney, Bantry Bay, the Ring of Kerry, Kenmare, Kinsale and Dublin.  Here are some of my photos from our first day, when we toured the Dingle Peninsula:

The Dingle Peninsula is magical.  Sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean, rolling hills and farms.

We visited a sheep farmer, who showed us how his dogs herd the sheep:

It was a beautiful day to be in the Irish countryside.

Our first night, we stayed in a charming hotel in a charming town, Benner's Hotel in Dingle:

We went to our first session at O'Flaherty's pub.

After we left Dingle we made the drive along the Ring of Kerry, which was full of beautiful views.

We continued on around County Kerry, visiting sites along the way.

The beach at Inch:

Colorful buildings in little towns:

Large, impressive buildings on grand estates:

We passed a few ruined castles, too:

While visiting this castle we visited with some very friendly little dogs.  Their owners were with them, and told us the dogs are drawn to American voices.

This little one played "fetch" with anyone who would throw the stick at him.

And, of course, there were the pubs.  We were traveling fans, following our band and enjoying their music as they played "sessions" in different pubs.  We were joined by many locals who became new fans.

I have much more to show and tell about this trip.  I have so many photos to sort though.  You will see them in Part Two.


  1. My gosh! What an inspired way to travel... and what a fantastic destination.
    Each new picture doubled my interest in seeing Ireland, too.

  2. Yes, I highly recommend it, Natalie!

  3. Thanks, Judy! I love your photo collection. I fear my photos did not capture the spirit of the place, but yours certainly did. Thanks for posting!!

    1. Thank you Pennye. Your photos are gorgeous. Thanks for posting them, I enjoyed them a lot.

  4. Wonderful, I love it....just got back last night after spending a few extra days with my folks/family. I'll be reaching out to everyone over the next few days. Thank you Judy! - john
